Samples & Examples
A selection of examples of the presentation or pacing styles we suggest to maximize Readers enjoyment.
Introduction or Our Story Thus Far pages are critical to helping loop in new readers as well as refresh current readers. Very good examples of this courtesy of Kokoro Grafix ((c) 1998, 2000 All Rights Reserved) from the fantasy series Atria the Grim.
Creative paneling and use of storytelling elements helps catch the readers eye and get them involved quickly. Visually interesting Atria the Grim OSTF pages, samples to left and right, bolsters the story and provides some background readers need for the Segment.
Four Page Plotting Sample
This is an example from the Code 3/Realms Multiverse courtesy Kokoro Grafix. This is a very tight 4 page base pencil plotting sample that helps build suspense, introduces characters and shows character development. The sample features good use of storytelling elements, effect lettering and balloon/caption use, story pacing and "camera" angles/technique. This type of pacing & storytelling is critical as each HSMP episode averages eight pages in length.
Justice Alliance New York (circa 1942) four page plotting sample.
The story is a World War II Superhero Tale of the Justice Alliance New York, starting from left to right, pages 1 - 4.
Present are the Alliance Angels (Borealis, Athena, Lila and Tarot), US Army Colonel Ruben Rothman (attached to the 1st Marine Paranormal Response Unit NY) and Justice Alliance UK Team Leader Gigantor (aka Sir Walter)
Lime Media Hawaii 3045 Ala Napuaa Pl #1705Honolulu HI 96818 808-271-1402
Art work (C) 2002 by Kokoro Grafix.
Used with Permission, All Rights Reserved.