LMH Ad Sales and Marketing


        Lime Media Hawaii is a Honolulu Hawaii based publisher of digital and print comics, games and game accessories. We were founded in 2002 by William "Doc" Grant. Our mission is to make good fun general audience comics.  We published the digital ebook comic Hawaii Star Manga Project in 2010 and the Hylanthean Gaiden graphic novel in 2013. HSMP has over 8 million readers to date. 

Our newest project is Lime Media Hawaii Presents, featuring several unique series.  

Each offers a unique reading experience, and we are proud to have an all female art and production team!

                        Lime Media Hawaii Ad Rate Card 2015

Listed Ad Rates per Issue including both the Downloadable and Print on Demand versions 

(Frequency and Multiple Ad discounts apply, ads are color)

Back Cover  $350 Full Page, Color

Inside Back/Front Cover Color $250 Full Page, $145 Half, $80 Quarter

Internal Display $195 Full Page, $125 Half, $70 Quarter

Banner ads LMH web page and some web comic features $45 each page on space available basis.


We will also be releasing the Rules of Thumb generic universal gaming products and accessories in the coming year.